Red Run:
Here They used great special effects to create the 'flow' ident, it is obviously inspired by water and looks very effective.
Next is the LS29 Ident which is also very effective as it has great visual effects. The name also links in with the place. It looks clean and professional.
This is my favorite ident as it links in with the horror genre with the doll and the gun shot. the quality of the camera is also good despite the lack of editing.
Good qualities
The editing at the start with the kettle is really effective, the variety of camera shots are great. The plot is also very good for a film opening, with some quite clever camera work making the doll move, also with the editing of the sound of the doll! also the bra flinging on the doll is signifying something something sexual which i thinks a good effect
Bad qualities
The acting in parts isn't very good, it's abit simple and not very convincing. The editing of the blood isn't very good as it looks fake and un-realistic, giving it a comedy element which is not what they were going for. however all in all i did really like this film opening.
Tiny Terror Film Opening:
The opening sequences starts with non-diegetic music playing from a piano, it's slow music and makes the audience feel uneasy so it gives this sense of horror genre. This non-diegetic music plays over the idents being revealed with a fade in fade out transition, and the idents are in block capitals which symbolizes the seriousness of this film.
This is the next ident to be revealed and it's revealed after the first ident with the transition of fade out form black.
This is the third ident and every ident has had it's own non-diegetic music to but have all been in block capitals.
The title of the film is then finally revealed with creepy non-diegetic sounds which is giving away the genre , and also the font is patchy with cuts and blood drips which makes it seem like a slasher genre and the colour of the font is red on a black background which makes it seem like a horror.
This point of view shot makes it seem like it's the view from the killer, but using narrative enigma by not revealing who it is giving this sense of mystery. Also using non-diegetic sounds to give again the sense of horror.
This scene shows the girl's bedroom and we get the impression from her with the mise-en-scene of how her bedroom is decorated, etc. It's also a two shot showing the relationship with the two characters.
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