Harry Brown Trailer
About the film: Harry Brown is a 2009 British crime thriller film directed by Daniel Barber and starring Michael Caine, Emily Mortimer, Jack O'Connell, and Liam Cunningham. The story follows Harry Brown, a widowed Royal Marines veteran, who had served in Northern Ireland, living on an Elephant and Castle housing estate that is rapidly descending into youth crime; Harry fights fire with fire after a friend is murdered.
The film also features actor and artist Plan B who, with Chase & Status, is also responsible for the film's theme music track "End Credits. Harry Brown had its World Premiere as a "Special Presentation" at the 2009 Toronto International Film Festival and was released theatrically in the United Kingdom by Lionsgate UK on 11 November 2009; the film was released in the United States by Samuel Goldwyn Films and Destination Films on 30 April 2010. The film was mainly filmed on and around the mostly abandoned Heygate Estate in Walworth, London; which was due to be demolished in late 2010
Here is the trailer aswell for an insight on the film.
Youth forced to take drugs |
The mis-en-scene is also very stereotypical, they are in an underground passage way, a place where you imagine bad youths to be. To get into their gang he has to take drugs, then is awarded with a gun and a place in the gang. it's celebrated the director is trying to show the viewer what type of people we are dealing with in the film, people who make people take drugs to be in their 'gang'. it gives an insight early on for whats to come.
Vulnerable woman with pram |
The sound is of them screaming, sounding like they are getting a buzz off been reckless. The director then shows him shooting at a women with a child, hes wanting to show that these people have no conscience. shooting a mum that has a baby is the lowest of the low. When they shoot the woman it is edited showing blood from the head, which is almost certain death. It then goes on to show them been killed by a bus, a waste of two young lives. Never-the-less what you feel is what they deserve. The opening is the way it is, to show what the youths are like, showing what they would do. They are evil, people you wouldn't want to cross.
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