Hello there, welcome to my blog. feel free to leave any comments! You will find a variety of posts on the background research and planning into my slasher film opening, High Royds, being co-produced with GeorgeH and CurtisT. This blog is mainly influenced by the work of John carpenter and his franchise, Halloween.

Monday, 15 October 2012

Taken Swede

We got into a group in class, deciding which film that each of us pitched to use for our swede. We ended up going with taken swede due to the comedy twist we could put on alot of the scenes, the pitch was done by me so here is some of the following information i provided for this pitch:

Kidnapping Scene
In my swede i would have many different scenes, to start these scenes off i would act out the daughter asking his father to go to Paris. i would do this around a table whilst drinking something making it look just like a cafe, just like in the movie. i would either get a girl to act out the scene with me or get a boy with a wig for a comedy classic swede effect.

Another scene i will definitely do is when the daughter gets kidnapped. this is an essential part of the film and one i would like to show in my swede. The acting would be very dramatic with a hint of comedy, filming under a bed like in the film.

Phone call scene

The essential and most memorable part of the film is the phone call between The dad (Liam Nelson) and his daughters kidnapper. This will be the focal point of my swede it's one of the most famous scenes of any film and influenced me in choosing this film to swede.

Iconic Phone call scene
I chose Taken due to the iconic scenes that many people know due to the popularity of the film, the main scene been the phone call between Liam Neeson and his daughters kidnapper. This is the most famous part of the film. We made the phone call quite comic with a high angle shot focusing on the face of the main character, who then turns to the camera when saying i will kill you. This adds a hint of comedy, nothing like the film but you know what scene it is due to the famous dialogue. 

One thing we didn't do which we should of was plan the movie, we did it on the spot with no planning, this created alot of problems with our swede. The phone calls between the daughter and father didn't make sense we should have written a script. This the become difficult to edit on Final Cut Pro due to the conversation not making sense. The software is very easy to use and pick up but if the conversation doesn't make sense then making it sound as good as possible is very hard.

If i were to do a swede again i would choose a different film, or a different genre because the phone call scenes are very hard to recreate. I would definitely plan, using a script. Most importantly use more shot variety and different angles to show different emotions, mis-en-scene etc.  However for a first effort we didn't do badly, It was a funny, well thought and what i think a good effort for a first go. Next swede we do (if we do one) we will just think of how to improve from our mistakes, listed above and just put more time and effort into making it.

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