Hello there, welcome to my blog. feel free to leave any comments! You will find a variety of posts on the background research and planning into my slasher film opening, High Royds, being co-produced with GeorgeH and CurtisT. This blog is mainly influenced by the work of John carpenter and his franchise, Halloween.

Sunday 20 January 2013

Halloween, John Carpenter (2007)

Halloween, John Carpenter (2007)

Information from IMDB

Box Office:


 $15,000,000 (estimated)

Opening Weekend:

 $30,591,759 (USA) (2 September 2007) (3472 Screens)


 $80,253,908 (Worldwide)
About the film opening:
  • Starts again with a quote, white text with a black background, talking about dark souls to create a scare and an insight to what kind of film is coming up.
  • starts with rock music, providing exposition again on the place and the date; Haddonfield, illinois. October 31
  • Panning shot of the traditional Halloween house however this time in daylight, then again cuts to the house with a close up of rats and the little child with a mask on.
  • Conversation between two adults, lots of swearing and using the 180 degree rule and shot reverse shot, close up when the baby starts crying.
  • What appears to be the scream queen walks in as she is wearing revealing clothes and has blondy/brown hair stereotypical of a scream queen, she swears also suggesting she is a scream queen due to her rebel kind of attitude.
  • Shows a close up of blood on a knife, signifying a killing that may happen later on in the film.
  • The child gets bullied by his step dad and at school, this signifies that the people who bully him may be the murdered victims themselves later on in the film.
  • The stereotypical Halloween music starts again, high intensity getting more intense by the minute.
  • when the stalking scene happens the music builds and builds until the victim is first attacked then the music stops.
  • Quick paced editing is used to show how much pain the character is in and to create a scarier 

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