Hello there, welcome to my blog. feel free to leave any comments! You will find a variety of posts on the background research and planning into my slasher film opening, High Royds, being co-produced with GeorgeH and CurtisT. This blog is mainly influenced by the work of John carpenter and his franchise, Halloween.

Saturday 19 January 2013

Casting, location and setting tbc

Curtis - 'Smiley Pete'
Reasons for:
- Young
- Good actor for an important role

Jake - Dr. Cruger
Reasons for:
- Looks like a doctor
- Good actor for important role

- looks the oldest

Heather - Scream Queen

  • We wanted to include a key slasher convention in our 
  • opening and we felt that a scream queen role would 
  • fit perfectly in our slasher.
We felt that Heather would fit the role perfectly for our scream queen because she is blonde which is the stereotypical scream queens hair colour. 

Jake Wilson House - Burley-In-Wharfedale, llkley road
Reasons for:
- Easily accessible
- A House - which is where it will be filmed
- Has a mirror in the bathroom which opens sideways. We plan to use a key shot with this, which is why its a key factor for our location
Manor Park and Jakes House

High Royds Establishing Shot
High Royds - Menston

Reasons for:
- Old mental asylum
- Scary vibe
- Easily accessible 
- Fits into our opening
- Links with the characters description
High Royds Front View

High Royds Forrest

High Royds Forrest

Reasons for:
-Near by
-Scary Forrest
-Easy to get to

High Royds Arial View

Using a Green Screen
Mise En Scene:

Crows flying across the camera shot to signify the slasher genre also signifying horror.

Each of our characters will have a certain costume to fit their role e.g. the doctor will be wearing a white lab coat and 'smiley pete' will be wearing a patients gown to signify that he is a patient with in the asylum. Also this will create a sense of realism in our opening.

Weapon of choice-Kitchen Knife we used intertextuality from psycho for this idea because it was the original weapon and we decided we wanted our work to contain originality.

Use of the forrest which is right next to High Royds for an escape route for 'Smiley Pete'. This is a location the is used in many films, as somewhere to run/ escape for example The Last House On The Left.

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