Curtis |
Reasons for:
- Young
- Good actor for an important role
Jake - Dr. Cruger
Jake |
- Looks like a doctor
- Good actor for important role
- looks the oldest
Heather |
- We wanted to include a key slasher convention in our
- opening and we felt that a scream queen role would
- fit perfectly in our slasher.
Jake Wilson House - Burley-In-Wharfedale, llkley road
Reasons for:
- Easily accessible
- A House - which is where it will be filmed
- Has a mirror in the bathroom which opens sideways. We plan to use a key shot with this, which is why its a key factor for our location
Reasons for:
- Old mental asylum
- Scary vibe
- Easily accessible
- Fits into our opening
- Links with the characters description
High Royds Forrest
Reasons for:
-Near by
-Scary Forrest
-Easy to get to
Each of our characters will have a certain costume to fit their role e.g. the doctor will be wearing a white lab coat and 'smiley pete' will be wearing a patients gown to signify that he is a patient with in the asylum. Also this will create a sense of realism in our opening.

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