Hello there, welcome to my blog. feel free to leave any comments! You will find a variety of posts on the background research and planning into my slasher film opening, High Royds, being co-produced with GeorgeH and CurtisT. This blog is mainly influenced by the work of John carpenter and his franchise, Halloween.

Monday 15 October 2012

Micro-Drama: Planning


Lads on tour is the title for our micro drama. The reason for the name is it's a group of Lads on holiday. going to what they expect is a holiday home. Only to find out that everything isnt what it seems and the lads have a nightmare holiday. As the 'real' owner does not want them in his house!

We've decided on having 7 characters in the film. 6 of the 'Lads' were the ones on holiday going to the house to stay. The 1 other character (Me) Was the killer.

At first we planned on only have 5 lads and 1 killer leaving someone to film. However we needed everyone to play a character so to overcome the filming problem the killer would film the scenes where all the 6 lads will be filmed then in the scene with the killer and the victims. the lads that aren't involved in the scene will film. this way everyone in the group plays their part in the creation of this micro drama.

We've planned to go with the stereotypical plot of a slasher film where the person that survives at the end is the innocent,nerdy cautious character, and the killer kills off his victims with knifes. the 'final girl' concept whereas this is the final boy.

In the opening sequence we plan to use narrative enigma with the characters by revealing them 1 by 1 , and with the killer using narrative enigma all the way through the micro drama till the last scene where he's revealed.

Throughout the micro drama we'll have binary opposition between the characters from some being loud and rebelious compared to the quiet sensible character that survives at the end. Also the binary opposition with the killer being taller than the other characters.

We'll also include some signifiers for example the clothing that the killer will be dressed in to give the symbolic meaning of his weirdness or in this case he's a farmer who owns the place, and the dark cellar to symbolise the darkness that'll happen there.

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