Hello there, welcome to my blog. feel free to leave any comments! You will find a variety of posts on the background research and planning into my slasher film opening, High Royds, being co-produced with GeorgeH and CurtisT. This blog is mainly influenced by the work of John carpenter and his franchise, Halloween.

Monday 1 October 2012

Sweding Explained

What Sweding is: The summarized recreation of popular pop-culture films using limited budgets 
and a camcorder. The process is called Sweding.

Sweding was made famous by the film Be Kind Rewind. Be Kind Rewind is a 2008 comedy film with dramatic elements from New Line Cinema, written and directed by Michel Gondry and starring Jack Black, Mos Def, Melonie Diaz, Danny Glover and Mia Farrow. The film first appeared on January 20, 2008 at the 2008 Sundance Film Festival. It was later shown at the Berlin International Film Festival. The film opened on February 22, 2008 in the United Kingdom and in North America.
The title is inspired by a phrase that was commonly displayed on VHS rental tapes during the medium's heyday.here is a video on how to swede: 

1 comment:

  1. You've got to remember to add a post title
    Avoid using the colour highlight tool, it generally doesn't look good
