Hello there, welcome to my blog. feel free to leave any comments! You will find a variety of posts on the background research and planning into my slasher film opening, High Royds, being co-produced with GeorgeH and CurtisT. This blog is mainly influenced by the work of John carpenter and his franchise, Halloween.
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
Monday, 10 December 2012
working title: smiley pete
My idea for my coursework is a psycho slasher, about a boy who has escaped a mental asylum, when escaping the asylum he seeks revenge on his family who abandoned him. For effect he paints his face abit like a clown with a massive smile marked on with black paint. this signifies his childhood of not smiling him been upset with him not meaning anything to anyone. The depression leading him to torture the kids in his foster home. The first signs of him would be markings on the house and mirrors etc. saying things like 'remember me?' and 'all i wanted was a mother and father'. Strange things would start happening in the household, leading up to him killing off the family one by one, til his sister is left, the final girl. who he pities. It will be a gory slasher with a psychological twist.
the film is inspired by: Halloween (john carpenter,1978) and Hell night (Tom Desimone, 1981)
Halloween: because of the young clown murderer in the opening sequence which i found quite effective, the clown costume and the effective long take at the beginning. He was also a young killer and escaped the mental home to be on the loose killing people.
Hell night: because of the family killing that happened early on in the family of the house's life. It is inspired by the evil of the little boy who murdered his family.
propps character types:
Villain: smiley pete
The donor: Pete's doctor
The hero: final girl/the sister who shoots pete
Scream queen: Katies friend
Binary opposition in my film will be Pete the character with a horrific upbringing and his family in which deserted him, a now well off family, upper class people.
Narrative enigma- we will hide the character with nifty camera work in the opening sequence or maybe a hood. just showing the lower body, the reveal the face right at the end of the opening scene
Genre signifiers: the mise en scene, the character, the dialogue and the tense music will all signify slasher and a physiological
Locations: location will be a house of one of the three people i work with. the house will be made scarier by scary objects like dolls etc and the effect of the blood on the glass etc. typical in slasher and horror films. it will be easy to film as it is one of our houses so no distractions or noises or anything like that, if bad weather it doesn't affect the filming. it could also be at Menston high rhoyds which has what used to be a mental hospital, which i think will be very effective
Props/Outfits: Pete shall wear old fashioned clothes, maybe torn and of course face paint marking his iconic smiley face and tears to symbolize his hard up bringing.
The prop will be a knife, just your average kitchen knife!
Characters: Pete- the killer, my brother or a younger sibling. His long lost sister Katie- a girl character that will be the final girl. the doctor- a male character of any kind. friend of Katies- the scream queen!
Media language:
High intensity music at the start, piano like most slashers. Alot of narrative enigma in the shots, also again like basically all slasher films! alot of quick shots when the slasher scene is happening. and close ups on the face of the culprit to show emotion.
Target audience:
older audience and younger audience! however with a rating of 15 this attracts younger people yet still attracts the older generation due to the psychological thriller side to it.
Why mine?
Why mine you may ask yourself? well there are two things that i think scare the modern day people: clowns and scary posessed children, i have both. it is a well thought out story and one that will work well because it will be set in a hourse and wont cast anything for props etc. easy choice to make.
thanks very much from the production team of steaky jakey productions.
My idea for my coursework is a psycho slasher, about a boy who has escaped a mental asylum, when escaping the asylum he seeks revenge on his family who abandoned him. For effect he paints his face abit like a clown with a massive smile marked on with black paint. this signifies his childhood of not smiling him been upset with him not meaning anything to anyone. The depression leading him to torture the kids in his foster home. The first signs of him would be markings on the house and mirrors etc. saying things like 'remember me?' and 'all i wanted was a mother and father'. Strange things would start happening in the household, leading up to him killing off the family one by one, til his sister is left, the final girl. who he pities. It will be a gory slasher with a psychological twist.
the film is inspired by: Halloween (john carpenter,1978) and Hell night (Tom Desimone, 1981)
Halloween: because of the young clown murderer in the opening sequence which i found quite effective, the clown costume and the effective long take at the beginning. He was also a young killer and escaped the mental home to be on the loose killing people.
Hell night: because of the family killing that happened early on in the family of the house's life. It is inspired by the evil of the little boy who murdered his family.
propps character types:
Villain: smiley pete
The donor: Pete's doctor
The hero: final girl/the sister who shoots pete
Scream queen: Katies friend
Binary opposition in my film will be Pete the character with a horrific upbringing and his family in which deserted him, a now well off family, upper class people.
Narrative enigma- we will hide the character with nifty camera work in the opening sequence or maybe a hood. just showing the lower body, the reveal the face right at the end of the opening scene
Genre signifiers: the mise en scene, the character, the dialogue and the tense music will all signify slasher and a physiological
Locations: location will be a house of one of the three people i work with. the house will be made scarier by scary objects like dolls etc and the effect of the blood on the glass etc. typical in slasher and horror films. it will be easy to film as it is one of our houses so no distractions or noises or anything like that, if bad weather it doesn't affect the filming. it could also be at Menston high rhoyds which has what used to be a mental hospital, which i think will be very effective
Props/Outfits: Pete shall wear old fashioned clothes, maybe torn and of course face paint marking his iconic smiley face and tears to symbolize his hard up bringing.
The prop will be a knife, just your average kitchen knife!
Characters: Pete- the killer, my brother or a younger sibling. His long lost sister Katie- a girl character that will be the final girl. the doctor- a male character of any kind. friend of Katies- the scream queen!
Media language:
High intensity music at the start, piano like most slashers. Alot of narrative enigma in the shots, also again like basically all slasher films! alot of quick shots when the slasher scene is happening. and close ups on the face of the culprit to show emotion.
Target audience:
older audience and younger audience! however with a rating of 15 this attracts younger people yet still attracts the older generation due to the psychological thriller side to it.
Why mine?
Why mine you may ask yourself? well there are two things that i think scare the modern day people: clowns and scary posessed children, i have both. it is a well thought out story and one that will work well because it will be set in a hourse and wont cast anything for props etc. easy choice to make.
thanks very much from the production team of steaky jakey productions.
Friday, 7 December 2012
Slasher franchises
Leprechaun (1993, Mark Jones)
$900, 000 budget.
$8.5 million at box office
Reviews are bad for the film 27% on rotten tomatoes
very low ratings.
Leprechaun 2 directed by mark jones (1995)
sci-fi slasher it's hybrid it is in space
- leprechaun 5&6 are also hybrid
- 6 leprechaun films, no final girls.
- jeniffer aniston is clever brunette etc she is a counter type scream queen.
- pogo stick is used as a weapon which is wuite iconic.
- Leprechaun is the killer very small little guy, only one killer.
- slasher franchises are very iconic and have alot of mechandise.
Idents and titles analysis
Here are a list of slashers that i have analysed, focusing at the Ident and Titles
Slasher (2001)
Low budget indie
Budget: $165k
set like a game show and no titles ran through the film even after the main plot had begun.
Urban legend(1998) Jamie Blanks
$14 million Budget
$38 million in the US
non diegetic music over titles, stops at 2:31.
Begins with company names and producers more titles start again
Scary movie (wayanes, 2000)
$19 million budget
$157 million dollar gross in the US
Simple Ident Dimension simple letters.
No titles at the beginning red with black background saying scary movie.
Mad House (william butler, 2004)
opening shot is letters in blood, no immediate credits.
Guy gets hit by a car then titles begin, lionsgate the distributor comes up with an ident.
A madhouse production, last credits to be shown is directed by..
black christmas (1974)
Black christmas appears in serif font.
cry wolf (jeff wadlow, 2005)
panning shot of the Forrest. it has a serif font when cry wolf comes on the screen it's dark.
The o and the R are bits missing this is to show aged. this connotes decaying/death.
Donkey punch (ollie blackburn, 2008)
first thing is optimum releasing ident, then the warp films ident, UK film council and film 4, low budget film so it has several idents due to the amount of funding it needs. black background with a sans serif font. Warp x production.
Dressed to kill (Brian de Palma 1980)
Starts with metro goldwyn mayer ident. black background and white sans serif font. alot of titles.
all the boys love mandy lane ( directed by lane levine, 2006)
No musical audio, with 1 ident. occupant films. music begins to play when the title of the film comes up.
white text with blood, high piano notes to raise tension.
April fools day (fred walton 1996)
first ident is paramount no music quite bland ident. paramount pictures present starts the titles off. 21 seconds in two characters filming each other.
Babysitter wanted (jonas barnes and Michael Manaserri, 2008).
sbig screen first, second ident is the independent film company, non diegetic music, high pitch piano notes.
5 girls (directed by lauren sonoda,2006)
First ident is is alliance Atlantis big and bold quite attractive. second is archetype films. titles dont appear til 5 minutes in. angel in red with a decayed Forrest look. husky voice over of a man reading a prayer.
Slasher (2001)
Low budget indie
Budget: $165k
set like a game show and no titles ran through the film even after the main plot had begun.
Urban legend(1998) Jamie Blanks
$14 million Budget
$38 million in the US
non diegetic music over titles, stops at 2:31.
Begins with company names and producers more titles start again
Scary movie (wayanes, 2000)
$19 million budget
$157 million dollar gross in the US
Simple Ident Dimension simple letters.
No titles at the beginning red with black background saying scary movie.
Mad House (william butler, 2004)
opening shot is letters in blood, no immediate credits.
Guy gets hit by a car then titles begin, lionsgate the distributor comes up with an ident.
A madhouse production, last credits to be shown is directed by..
black christmas (1974)
Black christmas appears in serif font.
cry wolf (jeff wadlow, 2005)
panning shot of the Forrest. it has a serif font when cry wolf comes on the screen it's dark.
The o and the R are bits missing this is to show aged. this connotes decaying/death.
Donkey punch (ollie blackburn, 2008)
first thing is optimum releasing ident, then the warp films ident, UK film council and film 4, low budget film so it has several idents due to the amount of funding it needs. black background with a sans serif font. Warp x production.
Dressed to kill (Brian de Palma 1980)
Starts with metro goldwyn mayer ident. black background and white sans serif font. alot of titles.
all the boys love mandy lane ( directed by lane levine, 2006)
No musical audio, with 1 ident. occupant films. music begins to play when the title of the film comes up.
white text with blood, high piano notes to raise tension.
April fools day (fred walton 1996)
first ident is paramount no music quite bland ident. paramount pictures present starts the titles off. 21 seconds in two characters filming each other.
Babysitter wanted (jonas barnes and Michael Manaserri, 2008).
sbig screen first, second ident is the independent film company, non diegetic music, high pitch piano notes.
5 girls (directed by lauren sonoda,2006)
First ident is is alliance Atlantis big and bold quite attractive. second is archetype films. titles dont appear til 5 minutes in. angel in red with a decayed Forrest look. husky voice over of a man reading a prayer.
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